How to find a players ID Print

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How to Get a Player's ID in Palworld

How to Get a Player's ID in Palworld

In Palworld, every player has a unique ID associated with their account. This ID is useful for administrative tasks such as banning, kicking, or teleporting players. Follow the steps below to retrieve a player's ID:

1. Log in as an Admin

Ensure you have admin privileges on the server. Without these, you won't be able to access player information.

2. Open the Console

Press the key assigned to open the in-game admin console. This is typically ~ (tilde) or / on most servers. If the console does not open, verify the server settings to enable it.

3. Use the Player List Command

Type the following command to see a list of all players currently on the server:


This will display all connected players along with their usernames and IDs.

4. Identify the Player

Look for the username of the player whose ID you need. The player ID will be displayed next to their name in the format:

Username: Player123, ID: 12345

5. Alternative: Check Server Logs

If the player is not currently online, you can retrieve their ID from the server logs. Use the following command to access the logs:


Search the logs for the player's username to find their associated ID.

6. Notes on Player IDs

  • Player IDs are unique to each player and remain constant across sessions.
  • Ensure you use the correct ID when issuing commands to avoid affecting the wrong player.
  • Store frequently used IDs in a secure location for quick access during admin operations.

Example Scenario

Suppose a player named Griefer123 is disrupting the server. Use /list to find their ID:

Username: Griefer123, ID: 56789

You can now use their ID in commands, such as:

/ban 56789 Disruptive behavior


By following these steps, you can easily retrieve a player's ID for administrative tasks. Always double-check IDs before executing commands to maintain a fair and enjoyable server environment.

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